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Richtlinien für Autor/innen

DLRPJ invites submissions in the following categories:

(1) Practitioner-Based Articles (1,000-4,000 words)
Manuscripts in this section address teachers' perspectives and reflections on their own teaching practices, issues, and challenges that will provide valuable information to practitioners. This section can also present reviews of teaching materials (including textbooks), teaching resources, technology resources, or teacher research.

(2) Research Briefs (3,000-5,000 words)
Manuscripts in this section present brief summaries of research findings from graduate students and/or action research from teachers. Authors may submit a current literature review or an interview with an established scholar in dual language and bilingual education.

(3) Research-Based Articles (Up to 9,000 words)
Manuscripts in this category address issues from a research perspective, reporting on empirical studies. Research can be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods and must be based on a strong theoretical framework

Manuscripts should meet the following requirements:

1. All articles should follow The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) Seventh Edition format. If an individual is from a country other than the United States and is unfamiliar with this publication style, the editors will assist the author in formatting the manuscript in APA style if the manuscript is accepted for publication. (There are some internet web sites dealing with APA that may be helpful.) The only exception to rule of APA formatting is that we request that you place your figures and tables within the body of the manuscript.

2. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, titled (capitalize the title), and should be between 30 to 40 pages, including the references, in length. Do not put any identification of the author(s) within the text of the manuscript. Pertinent photographs, charts, or graphs need to accompany the manuscript.

3. Manuscripts submitted should be previously unpublished and not under consideration by another publication.

4. A cover page needs to be included containing such items as the title of the manuscript (capitalized), all authors and their complete contact information such as address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail addresses. Give a brief biography of each author stating affiliation, position, degree received, etc.

5. To submit your manuscript, login your account. On your dashboard, click on Start New Submission.

6. Follow the instruction, and make sure that you submit a blind version of your manuscript which does not include any identifiable information. In addition, it is required to submit a cover page which includes the full information of the author(s) and short bio(s).

Dual Language Research and Practice Journal is On-line Journal is now using Texas Digital Library, a state of the art pre-press open access management software, considered among the highest quality on-line manuscript management systems. Designed for the ease of use, this system has critical time saving features which compress the time needed for pre-press document handling and review. Before being able to submit a manuscript through the Texas Digital Libary, you will have to first register by creating an account.

Checkliste für Beitragseinreichungen

Alle Einreichungen müssen die folgenden Anforderungen erfüllen.

  • Der Beitrag ist bisher unveröffentlicht und wurde auch keiner anderen Zeitschrift vorgelegt (andernfalls ist eine Erklärung in "Kommentare für die Redaktion" beigefügt).
  • Die Datei liegt im Format Microsoft Word, RTF oder WordPerfect vor.
  • Soweit möglich, wurden den Literaturangaben URLs beigefügt.
  • Der Text folgt den stilistischen und bibliografischen Vorgaben in Richtlinien für Autor/innen , die unter "Über uns" zu finden sind.
  • Der Text liegt mit einfachem Zeilenabstand vor, Schriftgröße 12, gegebenenfalls kursiv, nicht unterstrichen (mit Ausnahme der URL-Adressen); alle Illustrationen, Grafiken und Tabellen sind an geeigneter Stelle im Text eingefügt und nicht am Textende.

Schutz personenbezogener Daten

Namen und E-Mail-Adressen, die auf den Webseiten der Zeitschrift eingegeben werden, werden ausschließlich zu den angegebenen Zwecken verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.