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DLRPJ Volume 3


Call for Submission

DLRPJ is currently calling for submission for DLRPJ Volume 3. Please follow the guideline and submit your manuscript through Submit my manyscript no later than October 31, 2018.

To submit your manuscript, please login your account and Start New Submission 

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Dual Language Research and Practice Journal- Volume 3


DLRPJ editors are pleased to announce that we are accepting submissions for Volume 3 of 2018. DLRPJ requires all manuscripts to be submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS) online tracking system (http://www.dlrpj.org).  in electronic format using either Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) or Rich Text Format (RTF). Manuscripts submitted to the Dual Language Research and Practice Journal  should be original, coherent, and of interest to those in the field of dual language and literacy acquisition. Manuscripts should be written in Standard English and conform to the writing style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association(6th ed, 2009). If funding or grant money is used in any aspect of submitted work, this support should be acknowledged in manuscript content. DLRPJ will not consider manuscripts that have already been published or are being considered by another journal. Manuscripts not meeting these guidelines may be returned for revisions prior to review.
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